<% exec="select * from love where wg=1 order by id desc" set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rs.open exec,db,1,1 rs.PageSize=10 pagecount=rs.PageCount if pagecount=0 then response.write "暫無相關(guān)信息" else page=int(request.QueryString ("page")) if page<=0 then page=1 if request.QueryString("page")="" then page=1 end if rs.AbsolutePage=page %> <%n=1 while not rs.eof and n<=rs.pagesize %>
【<%=rs("id")%>】<%=rs("wb")%>※我的網(wǎng)名是<%=rs("wa")%>,<%=unHtml(rs("ba"))%> 【QQ號(hào):<%=rs("wc")%>】
<% n=n+1 rs.movenext '顯示頁(yè)面的數(shù)據(jù) wend %>
<%if page=1 and not page=pagecount then%>
第<%=page%>頁(yè)  <%for i=1 to pagecount%> <%=i%> <%next%>下一頁(yè)  
<%elseif page=pagecount and not page=1 then%>
第<%=page%>頁(yè)  <%for i=1 to pagecount%> <%=i%> <%next%>上一頁(yè)  
<%elseif page>pagecount then%>


<%elseif page=1 and page=pagecount then%> <%else%>
第<%=page%>頁(yè)  <%for i=1 to pagecount%> <%=i%> <%next%>上一頁(yè) 下一頁(yè)  
<%end if%> <% rs.close set rs=nothing end if %>
驗(yàn) 證 碼:   <% Const cCode = "1234" Dim vCode(4), vCodes For i =0 To 3 randomize vCode(i) = Int(Rnd*4) vCodes = vCodes & Mid(cCode, vCode(i)+1, 1) Next %><%=vCodes%><%session("da")=vCodes%>
你的QQ號(hào):   留言內(nèi)容還有字剩余

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